Pakistani TikToker Imsha Rehman faces severe trolling after explicit videos went viral due to a data breach. In response, she has deactivated her social media account, becoming another Pakistan-based TikTok influencer Imsha Rehman has deactivated her social media accounts after her private videos were circulated online without her consent. The videos, allegedly showing Ms Pakistan TikTok star Imsha Rehman has deactivated her social media accounts after her private video went viral. She faced a lot of backlash from social media users, who accused her of Pakistani influencer Imsha Rehman's explicit videos were leaked online. According to local reports, Imsha Rehman was seen in a compromising position with a friend in the videos that Pakistani TikTok star Manahil Malik was the victim of a privacy breach after videos of her intimate moments with her partner went viral on social media. The influencer has claimed that the Pakistani TikTok Star Deactivates Social Media Accounts After Private Video Leaks Online. Pakistani TikToker Imsha Rehman is currently facing intense trolling after her explicit videos went viral on social media. Reacting to the controversy, Imsha Rehman has deactivated her social media account. TikToker Imsha Rehman is now the latest to suffer a privacy invasion, as private, explicit videos of her have been leaked and rapidly shared across social media platforms. In response to the mounting criticism, Imsha decided to deactivate her Instagram and TikTok accounts.
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2024-11-19 08:36:17